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Zag is a new approach to the component design process, designed to help you avoid re-inventing the wheel and build better UI components regardless of framework. Zag includes a number of packages:

  • A core state library based on state machines, inspired by and similar to XState.
  • Framework adapters, to use that state inside of React, Vue, Solid, Svelte and others.
  • Out-of-the box machines for common component patterns.

Zag is defined by default for component-level state, but provides APIs like useActor, useService, useSnapshot and useMachine.

Bunshi helps make Zag machines easier to share by creating, starting and stopping a Zag service at just the right times.

Component state

Bunshi lets you create Zag machines per component. This is the scope that state is normally defined in Zag by using the provided useMachine API. Using Bunshi we can define state at the same scope. We define a component-scoped molecule, and lifecycle hooks to start it and stop it at the right times.

import { ComponentScope, molecule, onMount, use } from "bunshi";
import * as pagination from "@zag-js/pagination"

export const PaginationMolecule = molecule(() => {

  const service = pagination.machine({ count: 100, pageSize: 20 });

  onMount(() => {
    return () => service.stop();
  return service;

Global state

If you want to share some state between components in Zag, then things become more tricky using the provided APIs. You can use useService to create a service, store in framework state, then share it with provide/inject in Vue or Context in React, and then use useActor in children components. This is time-consuming boilerplate just to be able to share state.

This is where Bunshi comes in. You can use Zag to define a machine that is shared across your application, and Bunshi will look after creating it, starting it and stopping it at the right times.

import { molecule, onMount } from "bunshi";
import * as pagination from "@zag-js/pagination"

export const PaginationMolecule = molecule(() => {

  const service = pagination.machine({ count: 100, pageSize: 20 });

  onMount(() => {
    return () => service.stop();
  return service;

Why Bunshi with Zag?

Bunshi helps scope your Zag machines so they are easy to share. Notice how in this example you didn’t need to touch your Pagination component to move the state to being global or component scoped. Bunshi helps remove boilerplate and centralize your state management tools.

  • Use Zag for global state stores that are started and stopped at the exactly right time
  • Move state without touching components
  • Use the vanilla javascript API of Zag and avoid framework lock-in
  • Share machines across different pages, components or sections
  • Keep your state logic decoupled from your UI framework