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Molecules are used to create values. Those values are created as needed depending on the application, scope, and injectors. They can be mounted to signal they are in use, unmounted when they are no longer in use, and then finally cleaned up in garbage collection.

Molecule lifecycle from created, mounted, unmounted and garbage collected.


import { useMolecule } from "bunshi/react";
import { useAtom } from "jotai";
import React, { useState } from "react";
import { CountMolecule } from "./molecules";

function Counter() {
  const countAtom = useMolecule(CountMolecule);
  const [count, setCount] = useAtom(countAtom);

  return (
      <p>Clicks: {count}</p>
      <button onClick={() => setCount((c) => c + 1)}>Increment</button>

export default function App() {
  const [isMounted, setMounted] = useState(false);
  return (
      Open your browser console to see the logs for lifecycle events.
      <hr />
      <button onClick={() => setMounted((x) => !x)}>
        {isMounted ? "Remove Counter" : "Load Counter"}
      {isMounted && (
          <Counter />
          <Counter />

In this example the lifecycle events are logged to the Console. Try clicking to toggle the Counter component to be mounted and unmounted. You should notice a few things:

  • There are 2 counters, but lifecycle events are only fired once because the molecule is shared.
  • The lifecycle events always follow the same order.
Console log output

In React Strict Mode there are additional calls to lifecycle events:

  • Molecules are mounted, unmounted and then immediately re-mounted.
  • The final unmount only happens once.
  • Only one value is created and shared across components. This isn’t true for all molecules. Non-default scopes will have more than one value created and disposed of.
Console log output for React Strict Mode


Bunshi tries to create molecule values as lazily as possible, and to make sure that any value it creates can be garbage collected.

  • If a value already exists for a molecule (and relevant scopes), then that value will be used instead of creating a new value.
  • If a value doesn’t already exist, then a new one will be created.


Molecule values aren’t fully cached until a subscription is started. This is handled automatically behind the scenes in useMolecule for both React and Vue. In Vanilla JS this is handled in MoleculeInjector.use and MoleculeInjector.useLazily.

use vs useLazily

If you are using a MoleculeInjector directly, there are two keys methods:

  • MoleculeInjector.use will create a new value and mount it immediately. It also returns a value to clean up the subscription later.
  • MoleculeInjector.useLazily will create a new value, but won’t mount it immediately. This can be done later, and a value can be mounted, unmounted, and then mounted again.

To support React strict mode, useLazily is used internally.


Molecule values will be unmounted when nothing is using them anymore. This happens automatically in useMolecule for both React and Vue. In Vanilla JS this is handled when the stop method is called on everything using a molecule.


  • An unmounted value may be re-mounted, especially in React Strict Mode.
  • If a value has been mounted, it will always be unmounted when everything stops using it.
  • Vanilla JS users should be careful to avoid memory leaks by always stopping any subscription they start.

React Strict mode

React strict mode re-runs your React hooks to make sure that they are following best practices. Bunshi makes working with React strict mode easier. It helps avoid some of the challenges of working with useMemo and useEffect, but the constraints of Strict Mode does still have an effect on your molecules.

There are a couple things to be aware of:

  • Your molecule values may be re-mounted. onMount may be called again after onUnmount has been called.
  • Lifecycles methods will be called in order, so onMount then onUnmount then again onMount, and so on.
  • Your molecule values may NEVER be mounted. Strict mode may dispose of a value before calling onMount.
  • In strict mode your molecule may be called twice:
    • one value thrown away (in the first render)
    • the other value onMount then onUnmount then again onMount (in the second render)

The core premise of Bunshi still applies. If a molecule is being used by another component then that value is used. These notes about strict mode only apply to newly created values. Existing values are shared without un-necessary lifecycle calls.

Framework Recommendations

Some state frameworks come with built-in utilities to help with creating and cleaning up stateful connections. Others leave this up to you to figure out when you want to start or stop subscriptions.

Bunshi’s goal is to be a thin layer on top of other libraries. We don’t want to get in your way. So if your library has a built-in lifecycle or cleanup tool for easily using them in React and Vue, hen use those. Otherwise, use onMount and onUnmount from Bunshi.

JotaiPrefer Jotai’s hooks to BunshiprofileAtom.onMount = (set)=> {/** hook **/}
NanostoresPrefer Nanostores hooks to BunshionMount($profile, () => {/** hook **/}
ValtioUse Bunshi’s onMount to cleanup any shared state
XStateUse Bunshi’s onMount to start and stop machines
ZustandUse Bunshi’s onMount to cleanup any shared state